Black Lives Matter

Today and every day we unite with the Black community of SeatGeek employees and fans, artists and athletes who deserve social justice.

A stake in the ground

A message from our founder

Recent events have been painful for the Black community and our country, as they force us to confront a long, painful history of racism and brutality against minorities. The global protests are a reaction to these painful truths. We as a society must fix these problems. Like everyone, SeatGeek is actively thinking about what to do in response to recent tragedies. Simply enough, we must stand with Black Lives Matter and against police brutality and racial injustice.

It is easy to take a stand on Twitter; it’s much harder to be an agent for meaningful change. We are committing ourselves to action. There are three main areas SeatGeek can have a sustained impact even if we are not exactly sure today what specific actions we will take:

Our Product

SeatGeek brings people together to attend live events. We are the gateway to the experience that Americans (across various races, ethnicities, genders, and religions) consistently say provides them with the greatest happiness. How can we use our product as a way to be a force for good in the world and particularly help the affected Black communities? We don’t know exactly what that could look like, but are sifting through various options internally and would encourage anyone with an idea to email

Our Partners

Our clients are some of the most beloved and well-known entertainment brands in the world. In addition we partner with other major technology companies, advertise with social media influencers, and work with major sports leagues. We can use this network to amplify our efforts.

Our People

We are not a perfect company. We know that we have work to do around diversity and inclusion. We must make this a watershed moment that acts as a call to action for each and every one of us to do better, speak up and be a part of the solution. By looking inward and holding ourselves to a higher standard, we can set an example for other companies to follow. This is hard work. There is no simple formula to creating meaningful change, but we are going to prioritize it both as a company and as individuals. Hold us to that.

Russ D'Souza


Taking action

We’re enabling employees to donate both time and money through various initiatives dedicated to social justice, education, mental health and the advancement of Black communities.


We’re matching employee donations of up to $1,000 to a fund of non-profit organizations empowering to the advancement of Black communities.


GiveGeek, our internal volunteer program, is organizing a Day of Service on June 19, aka Juneteenth, a nationally celebrated day commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.


We are partnering with Raisedby.Us, a non-profit that enables employee social good, to facilitate meaningful engagement with affected communities through remote volunteering.

Showing support

Here are some of the organizations we are supporting during this time. Learn more about each below.


Black Lives Matter Organization

Our mission is to help survivors and families that have suffered from the loss of a relative or loved one as a result of an unjust or questionable police shooting, and use our unique and creative ideas to help bring the police and the community closer together to save lives.

Learn more

Mental Health

Lee Thompson Young Foundation

We are dedicated to erasing the stigma associated with mental illness, advancing holistic health treatments and improving the lives of all those impacted. Our organization disseminates information to the general public, supports research and sponsors youth programming that strengthens support systems and promotes well being.

Learn more

Our commitment

At SeatGeek, we believe that live entertainment is a bridge that has the power to bring people of all walks of life together.

But the ongoing police brutality that Black Americans face, exemplified by the killing of George Floyd, has reminded us that that bridge is not enough.

It is not enough to sit idly by; we must stand up against systemic racism.

It is not enough to say it; we must believe it: Black Lives Matter.

It is not enough to listen; we must learn.

At SeatGeek, we know that words are not enough. That real change is a result of real, sustained action. And we are committed to taking action. Hold us to that.

Today and every day we unite with the Black community of SeatGeek employees and fans, artists and athletes who deserve social justice.